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All Success Begins with Initiative.

We believe powerful teams grow & organizations are transformed

when individuals are activated to find purpose in their work and connect to others.

We give you actions not thoughts.


First, we develop goals, milestones, and metrics for determining success with you or your leadership group.


The Team Initiative crafts a set of customized solutions that help individuals build trust in themselves and their teams. Your teams come out of the work conscious of their strengths. They know how to set goals and expect to reach them even in the face of setbacks because they are hopeful and aware of their abilities. Self confidence and connections grow.


Our process leads each person to identify choices, set goals, and be accountable for what inspires them to achieve within your organization.​


  • ​Discover and internalize individuals’ strengths.

  • Identify personal goals.

  • Verbalize and visualize those goals with others.

  • Understand what each individual needs to thrive.

  • Realize how to best support the team as a whole.

  • Develop a path to long-term successes for each person and together as a team.


In a mix of virtual and in-person meetings, team exercises are mapped out to best meet the needs of the group. These develop through the course of the plan to support the shifting growth of the group, and likely include:


  • Strengths assessments

  • Peer, friend, & family interviews

  • Purpose finder

  • Storytelling & vision boards

  • Empathy & Emotional Quotient (EQ) exercises

  • Limiting thoughts challenges

  • Team mapping exercises

  • Communication challenges

  • Team accountability structure




  • Internalized understanding of every team member’s strengths and goals.

  • Definition and a path to reaching clear and specific goals for individuals and the team.

  • Increased job satisfaction and retention.

  • New tools, meeting styles, and workflows.

  • Potential shifts in responsibilities, challenges, and successes for all.

  • A team inspired to initiate innovation through an invigorated purpose tied to your mission.

Colleagues Working Together

How is this Different?

Years of experience with a wide variety of client types tells us we need a program that is flexible, adaptive, and customized to each person or team. A personalized coaching method is chosen and mapped to align with your specific dynamic for the greatest impact. 

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The kind of results you need don’t come from reading a self-help book, a personality test, or a printout from an online service. Formulaic third-party coaching tools and self-help books are everywhere - and chances are we’ve read the latest. You benefit from a diverse background of knowledge and training in Brain Based Coaching and psychology. Our team assesses the individual and team dynamics to choose the right tools. Then we guide you through a process to maximize impact and fully internalize the exercises. We don't just teach the terminology; we support you through a process of complete understanding.  



Clarity. Larger leaps. You get an engine on your process of change.

Diverse learners require diverse tools and techniques. We visualize concepts and data in different ways and use a variety of methods to reach every participant.  We work in person and remotely. We use online whiteboarding tools to brainstorm and document progress. You may use team teaching, vision boards, storytelling, poetry, music, mapping exercises, charades, and whatever else connects with you and your group. We understand the neuroscience behind the methods, and know that brains work similarly, but people are all different.






Detailed insight and more comprehensive learning.

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Finding your purpose at work is not easy. Limiting thoughts, and other day to day responsibilities can pull at anyone and potentially reduce the impact of the work. Emotional intelligence and empathy work can be uncomfortable in the beginning and can make people shut down. We keep people driving to success through "little wins" that maintain interest and motivation to do the work that takes them out of their comfort zone. Our strategy is to reach for the high level, ambitious goals while including immediate milestones to keep everyone energized by successes along the way. 





Perseverance and deep engagement.

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​Every person and every organization define success differently. We do not believe in one single coaching model to guide teams through purpose finding, limiting thoughts exercises, and goal planning. Our methods incorporate the most effective, Brain Based Coaching models to ensure each individual and overall team dynamics are considered and utilized to their maximum potential.  We start with a framework customized for the client and adjust if needed

along the way. 








Personalized success.

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